New book about the queen of all flowers

New book about the queen of all flowers
New book about the queen of all flowers

Fri May 3, 09:00


BRUMMEN – Roses come in all colors, shapes and sizes. Most bloom all summer long and also smell wonderful. Although they can also be quite difficult. They want everything, such as sun, food and an annual pruning. And then we haven’t even mentioned all those creatures on the roses. It is therefore very understandable that we want one or more rose bushes in our garden, but do not really know how to deal with them. When and how do you prune them? How do you get rid of those bugs? And how do you know which rose suits you best?

These are questions that prevent many people from purchasing a rose. But luckily a book has just been published with answers to these types of questions. In ‘Love for Roses’ you can read not only about pruning, bugs and diseases, but also about the work of rose breeders and rose growers. They explain how they develop, grow and trade increasingly beautiful and sustainable roses. It tells you what you can do with rose hips and how you can make tasty snacks and drinks from rose petals.

The book ‘Love for Roses’ was written by Nicolien van Doorn and illustrated with beautiful photos by Anneke Beemer. It will be on Saturday afternoon May 4 at 4:00 PM presented in Primera bookstore, Marktplein 13-14 in Brummen.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: book queen flowers


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