First Neuralink brain chip in humans encounters problems | Tweakers

First Neuralink brain chip in humans encounters problems | Tweakers
First Neuralink brain chip in humans encounters problems | Tweakers

The first brain chip that Neuralink placed in a human gave rise to problems after a few weeks. According to the American company, a number of wires from the implant have withdrawn from the brain, resulting in less brain activity being measured.

Neuralink’s brain implant consists of 64 ‘wires’, each thinner than a human hair, and 1024 electrodes, which are about the size of a 1 euro coin. The wires connect the electrodes, which are placed deep in the patient’s brain, with each other. These electrodes can then record signals from the brain, which are converted into actions via the computer.

In January, the implant was placed in a human brain for the first time. It concerns a 29-year-old man named Nolan Arbaugh, who was paralyzed from his shoulders down due to an accident. Last March, Neuralink shared a video of Arbaugh playing chess on the PC via the implant. In it he showed how he can control the cursor on the image with his thoughts, just by staring at a square on the digital chessboard.

Weeks later, problems arose, according to a new blog post from Neuralink. A number of wires have retreated from Arbaugh’s brain. This means that fewer electrodes are effective, meaning that less brain activity can be recorded. This caused Arbaugh to move the computer cursor less accurately and quickly. Neuralink does not say how many wires have withdrawn and exactly how big the impact is.

To keep the mind reader as effective as possible, Neuralink says it has improved the technical operation of the device. This should allow the computer to recognize brain signals more quickly and translate them into mouse movements. The speed and accuracy are therefore currently even better than during the first tests, Neuralink claims.

According to The Wall Street Journal Removal of the implant has also been considered, but the problem does not pose an immediate risk to Arbaugh’s safety or health. The neurotechnology company has not responded to that report. Neuralink, like car manufacturer Tesla, space company SpaceX and social media platform X, is owned by billionaire Elon Musk.

Beeld: ANP

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Tags: Neuralink brain chip humans encounters problems Tweakers
