forming parties disregard the rule of law

forming parties disregard the rule of law
forming parties disregard the rule of law

Timmermans refers to the plan on the formation table to declare an ‘asylum crisis’. In such a situation, more drastic measures can be taken. If you set aside the rules of the rule of law on this point, “you are prepared to do it elsewhere and inalienable civil rights will be at risk,” he warns. According to him, it is important to always respect the rules of the rule of law.

The party leader used Thursday, Europe Day, to point out the importance of the European elections. He also advocates unity, which, according to Timmermans, is “the only instrument we have to keep Putin at bay.”

Undermining of unity

Right-wing radical parties in a number of EU countries “have long advocated leaving the EU, but now they want to weaken the EU from within, which leads to the same result: an EU that is no longer able to prevent countries and peoples from returning.” pitted against each other.” The undermining of that unity by “the nationalists of the radical right is a direct threat to our peace, security and prosperity.”

The democratic constitutional state is essential for peace and stability in Europe, Timmermans emphasizes. “Based on democracy, respect for the separation of powers and respect for the rights of citizens, as contained in national legislation and international treaties. This means adhering to the law, even when it is difficult.”

Timmermans was Vice-President of the European Commission from November 2014 to August last year.

The article is in Dutch


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