Graves at Utrecht cemetery destroyed for the second time in a short time | Domestic

Graves at Utrecht cemetery destroyed for the second time in a short time | Domestic
Graves at Utrecht cemetery destroyed for the second time in a short time | Domestic

Graves have again been destroyed at the Daelwijck cemetery in Utrecht. This concerns ten to fifteen graves. Last weekend, ninety graves were destroyed in the same cemetery.

A police spokesperson wanted to do it A.D We don’t say much about what exactly was destroyed. This information is used to identify the perpetrator.

The spokesperson does say that it concerns items with personal value. The destruction may have been caused on Saturday evening or during the night from Saturday to Sunday.

Last week, the police also received several reports about vandalism at the cemetery in the Overvecht district. It is estimated that ninety graves were destroyed. This included photographs on porcelain plates and glass elements of graves that were smashed, probably with a hammer.

The municipality of Utrecht filed a report on Monday. The police are investigating the incidents and say they would like to get in touch with witnesses who heard or saw something.

Beeld: Getty Images

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Utrecht Binnenland

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Graves Utrecht cemetery destroyed time short time Domestic
