These are signals that your smartphone needs to be replaced


Most people replace a smartphone sooner than is actually necessary. However, there comes a time when your mobile phone really needs to be replaced. What are the signs that your smartphone needs to be replaced?

Software updates

Dutch people use their smartphone for an average of 2.5 to 3 years. While they receive software updates for the first 3 to 5 years. As long as the devices receive updates, you should be able to use them smoothly and safely. In an earlier article we provide tips to make your smartphone last longer. However, there eventually comes a time when your mobile phone really needs to be replaced. But that is not immediately necessary when the battery deteriorates or the storage space becomes full.

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What to do if the battery runs out quickly or the storage space is full?

It is common for a phone’s battery to deteriorate after about 500 charges. You can postpone this moment by using your smartphone battery sparingly. This can be done, for example, by lowering the screen brightness of your phone, using energy saving mode or turning off notifications. You can also prevent battery wear and tear by never charging your phone to 100 percent. If at some point the battery drains a lot faster, you can have the battery replaced. That is a lot cheaper than immediately buying a new phone.

Even if the storage space becomes full, a new phone is not immediately necessary. For example, free up storage space by deleting old files or by transferring photos to a hard drive or storing them in the cloud. If you have an Android device, you can also insert a memory card into your smartphone. This way you create extra space on your device. Please note that not all apps can be transferred to a memory card.

Experts also recommend restarting your phone at least once every week. The code of your smartphone stores components of deleted apps and files. Once you restart your mobile, the system will erase these files permanently. This affects the speed of your phone.

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When does your smartphone need to be replaced?

You may choose to replace your cell phone because you want a newer model, but it is not really necessary. This is actually only necessary once your smartphone no longer receives updates. After a few years, your smartphone will no longer receive software updates; then it is wise to purchase a new one for safety reasons. If your phone becomes very slow, you can first try freeing up storage space or restarting the phone. Does your phone remain slow? Then it probably needs to be replaced.

(Source: Reader’s Digest,, Coolblue. Photo: Shutterstock)

The article is in Dutch

Tags: signals smartphone replaced
