Catalonia goes to the polls, Spain watches intently

People cast their votes in La Roca del Vallès, north of Barcelona

NOS Newstoday, 12:40

  • Miral de Bruijne

    correspondent Spain and Portugal

  • Miral de Bruijne

    correspondent Spain and Portugal

In the Spanish region of Catalonia, more than 5.7 million people can vote today in the regional elections. The main theme is independence for Catalonia. All eyes are on separatist leader Carles Puigdemont, who is awaiting the results just across the border in France.

In March, the government of the region around Barcelona was unable to finalize the budget. As a result, early elections were called.

The timing of the elections did not immediately seem favorable for the Catalan independence parties. An amnesty law for separatists is still pending in the Spanish Senate. As long as this law is not in force, it is still unclear whether and to whom it will apply.

Due to the attention for this law, there is a lot of talk in Spain about independence for Catalonia. Separatist leader Puigdemont in particular has taken advantage of the moment. He was the Catalan regional president during the illegal independence referendum in 2017.

Because he was one of the key people in that entire process, Spain wanted to convict him for it. Puigdemont fled to Belgium, where he could not be prosecuted and lived in exile for years.

Catalan flag and posters of Puigdemont at a campaign rally in Elna, southern France

Immediately after the new elections were called, Puigdemont stood for election as party leader of his party Junts per Catalunya. Striking, because he is still not in Spain and there is a chance that he will be arrested if he sets foot on Spanish soil again. The amnesty law is not yet in force and even if that is the case, Puigdemont may not be covered by it. A terrorism investigation is also underway against him; If convicted, he falls under the exceptions of the law.

And so Puigdemont awaits the election results in the southern French city of Perpignan, close to the Spanish border. According to the polls, his party will not win the elections, but there is a chance that his party will be allowed to form a coalition.

The largest party in the polls is the socialist PSC. There is a chance that it will not win enough seats to form a majority coalition with other left-wing parties. If a formation attempt by PSC were to fail, the second party may form. According to the polls, that is Junts per Catalunya. And together with other independence parties, it may be able to boast a majority.

Independence referendum

The previous coalition was also one of independence parties,l and independence did not come about. And yet the national government in Madrid is now more concerned. The separatists feel strengthened by the amnesty law. Political figures who have been unable to engage in politics in recent years can then return to the playing field.

In addition, there is increasing talk in Catalonia about a new independence referendum. Puigdemont has promised to work hard for this. And so today all eyes are on Catalonia and on a French city just across the border.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Catalonia polls Spain watches intently
