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Boss of NL defense company Aratos Dr. Nikos Bogonikolos arrested in Paris for espionage for the Russians

The Americans consider it a “serious matter”

Dr. B in better times

Press release from the US Attorney’s Office can be found here, formal indictment there in PDF. Summary: After John F. Kennedy, the American Military-Industrial Complex is again destroying honest entrepreneurs. Any idea how difficult it is to run a business on the Dutch tax plantation? Of course a consultant is welcome and yes, coincidentally sometimes one comes from Russia.

Dr. Nikos Bogonikolos (Insta, LinkedIn) is a Greek national who was the head of Dutch defense contractor Aratos. Aratos developed satellite technology and as such was a member of an umbrella organisation Dutch Industry for Defense & Security (NIDV), and is now suspended with immediate effect.

The secrets passed on have to do with high technology, semiconductors used in cryptography, but also for testing Nuclear weapons.“U.S. Prosecutor Breon Peace:”The defendant and his Aratos group played doubles while ostensibly operating as a defense contractor for NATO and other allied countries. They aided Russia’s war effort and Russian next-generation weapons development.

Bogonikolos is said to have been recruited by the Russians at the end of 2017. “In an e-mail he is asked to come to Moscow ‘alone’ as the agenda will be very sensitive. He received instructions on how to mislead the Americans by claiming that Aratos was the end user of sensitive American technology and that it was not intended for the development of weaponry, but for tourist ships in the Netherlands. In fact, he forwarded secret equipment to Russia, the US indictment alleges.

Bogonikolos would also have googled searches such as “The Netherlands illegal export Russia” and you should never google that unless you want to atomize in CIA Black Site. According to the American judiciary, the Netherlands also helped with his arrest.

Dr. B in Moscow – December 2017

No idea what it’s about, but IT IS SUSPICIOUS

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Boss defense company Aratos Nikos Bogonikolos arrested Paris espionage Russians