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Bus drivers in Eindhoven will go on strike on Saturday: ‘Probably a large part will not drive’ | Eindhoven

EINDHOVEN – Bus drivers will go on strike in Eindhoven on Saturday, because they demand a new collective labor agreement. This is reported by the trade union FNV. The strike is part of a nationwide action in which drivers across the country take turns laying down work. One of the drivers’ demands is a higher wage.

According to the union, the strike is badly needed, because many drivers affiliated with them are dissatisfied with their employer’s offer. “They want something to be done about the workload quickly, because it causes a lot of failure among the drivers,” describes Merijn van der Gaag, the director of FNV Streekvervoer.

According to Van der Gaag, it concerns city and regional bus drivers who are called upon not to go on the road: “Probably a large part of them will not drive on Saturday, as we have seen in other cities before.”

The new collective labor agreement must apply with retroactive effect from 1 July 2021 to the end of this year, the FNV wants. On Sundays, the buses in Eindhoven will run according to schedule again.

Earlier strike

Earlier bus drivers in Tilburg had already struck. Last Saturday, both city and regional buses were not running. As a result, a number of travelers were stranded at Tilburg bus stops.

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The article is in Dutch

Tags: Bus drivers Eindhoven strike Saturday large part drive Eindhoven