Netherlands Posts English

Support for monarchy remains stable, young people less satisfied with king

Support for the monarchy in the Netherlands is stable for the fourth year in a row. This also applies to confidence in King Willem-Alexander. The monarchy can still count on support from a majority of Dutch people, but that support is lower than before the corona crisis. This was evident on Saturday from the annual NOS King’s Day survey, which was conducted by research agency Ipsos I&O among 1,015 people.

According to the researchers, support for the monarchy appears to have suffered permanent damage due to the affairs of the corona crisis. Respondents mentioned, among other things, the holiday in Greece of Willem-Alexander and his family during a lockdown as a reason for less trust.

Satisfaction with the king has also been structurally lower since the corona crisis. Willem-Alexander will receive a 6.6 from the Dutch in 2024, comparable to last year when it was 6.5. In 2020 he could still count on a 7.7. Young people aged 18 to 35 are less satisfied with how he fulfills his role: while 51 percent had confidence in him last year, this is 41 percent this year. At 47 percent, elderly people aged 55 and over are almost as satisfied with Willem-Alexander as they were a year earlier. Queen Máxima remains stable, with a 7.3.

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Tags: Support monarchy remains stable young people satisfied king