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Nearly thirty years in prison demanded for client’s mistaken murder of DJ Latumahina

Court drawing of Noureddine H. (left)

NOS Newstoday, 8:21 PM

The Public Prosecution Service is demanding a prison sentence of 29 years and 9 months against Noureddine H. for the murder of Amsterdam’s Djordy Latumahina. was accidentally shot. 43-year-old H. is the last suspect to stand trial for the murder that took place on October 8, 2016.

According to the Public Prosecution Service, H. was the one who gave the order to kill drug criminal Gino M.. The case is known as a mistaken murder because the shooter mistook 31-year-old DJ Latumahina for the intended target.

Gunmen opened fire on the DJ’s family with semi-automatic weapons when he wanted to park his car at their apartment in Amsterdam West. Latumahina died immediately and his girlfriend was seriously injured and permanently paralyzed. Their 2-year-old daughter was in the back of the car and was unharmed.

It later emerged that Latumahina drove the same type of car and lived in the same building as the intended victim. According to the Public Prosecution Service, H. is therefore guilty of the DJ’s death.

Decrypted messages

H. was arrested in Spain in May 2021. He was in hiding there and had been watched by the local police for some time. He is also on trial for plotting an assassination attempt on Naoufal ‘Noffel’ F. and for leading a criminal organization.

The evidence for H.’s involvement in both murder assignments is based on messages from hacked PGP telephones. According to the public prosecutor, decrypted messages show that H. ordered the murder and paid the shooter.

There are several chat accounts to which the suspect’s name is linked. This could be deduced from, among other things, language use and the way they talk, NH writes.

‘It’s not me’

H. himself denies involvement in the murder and says he did not write the messages. “It’s not me,” he said today. “So I can’t say more than yes or no.”

His lawyer says that the evidence provided by the Public Prosecution Service is not strong enough. “The evidence structure depends on suggestions. Crucial information is not in the file.”

In recent years, seven suspects have been convicted for involvement in the shooting. Shooter Djurgen W. received a thirty-year prison sentence in 2018 and other people involved were given sentences of up to 26 years.

The court will make its ruling on June 24.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: years prison demanded clients mistaken murder Latumahina