‘SOS Dutch Farmers’: angry farmers prepare protest along route La Vuelta | Instagram Amersfoort

‘SOS Dutch Farmers’: angry farmers prepare protest along route La Vuelta | Instagram Amersfoort
‘SOS Dutch Farmers’: angry farmers prepare protest along route La Vuelta | Instagram Amersfoort

UPDATEWith hay bales, dolls and banners, angry farmers prepare for a farmer’s protest during the international cycling event La Vuelta. During the second stage on Saturday, farmers will demonstrate along the course between Woudenberg and Scherpenzeel. “It will be an exciting day for us.”

With straw bales that write ‘SOS Dutch farmers’, banners on the ground and on the roofs of buildings and life-size dolls made of straw, the farmers want to touch the audience of the La Vuelta. Because European attention is desperately needed, according to Teus van der Wild, the initiator of the campaign. ,,Brussels could be our savior. In addition, the French and German farmers are also concerned about what happens here. They are afraid that they will be next.”


It is not the intention to disrupt the cycling event during the demonstration. “We have agreed that if we do not pose any obstacles, we will get airtime. So it is best for both parties to demonstrate peacefully.”

Still, it will be an exciting day for Van der Wild. Because many farmers want to organize actions on their own, he is afraid that some do intend to disrupt the event. “It only takes a few to ruin it for the rest. Then we don’t get any more airtime. That would be a waste.”

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In the morning the activists arrive at the location on the Rumelaarseweg. Hundreds of tractors are expected to gather there. They must all be in before 12:00, because then many roads around the course will be closed.

Furthermore, the farmers are organizing several actions over a length of 10 kilometers between Scherpenzeel and Woudenberg to attract the attention of cycling supporters.

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Tags: SOS Dutch Farmers angry farmers prepare protest route Vuelta Instagram Amersfoort
