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Malaysian international attacked with corrosive acid, third attack in a short time

Faisal Halim after his goal for Malaysia against South Korea

NOS Footballtoday, 3:57 PM

In Malaysia, three well-known football players were violently attacked in one week. Akhyar Rashid was robbed in front of his home, national star Faisal Halim was attacked with acid. Former national team captain Safiq Rahim then had his car windows smashed while he was behind the wheel. No perpetrators have yet been arrested and it is not yet known whether the incidents are related.

The series of incidents has a huge impact on the (football) country. Top club Selangor, where Halim plays, has already indicated that it wants to postpone the super cup match next weekend. The club does not feel comfortable playing against arch-rival Johor Darul Ta’zim (JDT for short) in these circumstances.

The first player targeted, Akhyar Rashid, is a teammate of Dutch defender Matthew Steenvoorden. “It’s the talk of the town for us,” says Steenvoorden from eastern Malaysia, where he signed with Terengganu Football Club three months ago. “The day after the attack we had to play a practice match. Not everyone was there.”


There is a lot of speculation in Malaysia about the motives behind the attacks. Rashid, who is under contract with JDT and plays on loan at Terengganu, was not only robbed of his money, but also beaten on his legs and feet. “People find that strange for a robbery,” says Steenvoorden. “You wouldn’t expect that if they already have his stuff.”

The fact that two other incidents involving football players followed very quickly made the astonishment even greater. The attack on Halim in particular caused a stir. The attacker is one of the absolute stars of the Malaysian football team. A few months ago he made a name for himself by scoring a beautiful goal against South Korea at the Asian Cup.

Halim is now in intensive care with serious burns. A man threw corrosive acid in his face at a shopping center. Halim receives massive support on social media and beyond. Prayers are said for him and banners for him have been hung along highways. The football associations of neighboring countries, such as Indonesia and Singapore, posted statements of support on X.

Tomorrow’s match for the super cup is therefore in doubt. The regular competition will start this weekend anyway.

Meeting with police chief

For Steenvoorden it is an alienating start to his Malaysian football adventure. A few minutes before Rashid was robbed, Steenvoorden saw his teammate at a shopping center. Rashid waved at him from his car.

A few moments later, Steenvoorden saw the group chat of the Terengganu selection explode on his phone. “We received photos of his injuries, a severe cut on a foot and a deep head wound.”

“A number of teammates then quickly went to him to help,” says Steenvoorden. “After the attack he was no longer at the club.”

NOS/Matthew Steenvoorden
Steenvoorden on the training field of his club Terengganu

After the incident, Steenvoorden found himself in a room at the club. There he and his teammates were addressed by a police chief.

“He said that a telephone number had been set up that we can contact if we feel unsafe. If you feel like you are being followed or that something strange is going on, you can report it that way and they will come.” in action.”

Although the situation impresses him, Steenvoorden is not afraid. The association advised (star) players to hire a bodyguard. Steenvoorden is not going to do that. He feels safe in Terengganu.

This weekend Steenvoorden will play its first match, at home against Perak. “We’re just going to play football. During big matches the stadium here is full, with 25,000 people and I am already recognized and approached a lot on the street. Football is really alive here.”

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Malaysian international attacked corrosive acid attack short time