Tool for fair prices in field vegetables launched

Tool for fair prices in field vegetables launched
Tool for fair prices in field vegetables launched

During a members meeting on April 25 about open field cultivation in Den Bosch, ZLTO presented a tool with which farmers can calculate a fair price for their products. According to Frans Geijs, Plant policy specialist at ZLTO, the calculation tool comes at just the right time. “Many entrepreneurs do not always have a clear idea of ​​the cost price of their cauliflower, broccoli or leek.”

There are two possible models available. The basic model with an Excel calculation can be applied quite quickly. Geijs also presented the option to have an extended version developed with an app to which a dashboard is linked. This cost price includes all costs within the agricultural company, such as land costs, fuel costs, plant material and wage costs. With this result in hand, farmers can negotiate with buyers in a better prepared way, according to Geijs. “The calculation tool provides insight into collective prices and also provides insight into how a grower scores individually compared to the benchmark.”

ZLTO has tested the tool and is convinced that members can use it to enter the market. The association is still looking for a partner with whom it can collaborate within this process. Ultimately, cauliflower, broccoli or leek may soon end up on supermarket shelves at a higher price. “But our goal is to guarantee the farmer a fair price for his field crops,” Geijs emphasizes. “We try to have the growers’ association act as an intermediary between farmers and supermarkets.”

ZLTO has a lot of confidence in the calculation tool. Geijs: “It says a lot that leading companies such as Aviko and Farm Frites want to work in a similar way. ZLTO will work with a sounding board group of open field growers to further roll out the tool. Interested members can register.”

ZLTO started the special meetings around open field cultivation three years ago, which, according to the policy specialist, are very valuable. “It says enough that members from Zeeland come all the way to De Bosch to attend the event on April 25. Attention to outdoor cultivation remains urgently needed. The sector is under great pressure due to, for example, all kinds of challenges surrounding nitrogen, water, the availability of crop protection products. and the designation of NV areas.”

Source: ZLTO


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