Maris from Temptation Island shares the reason for the breakup with Ivo | RTL Boulevard

Maris from Temptation Island shares the reason for the breakup with Ivo | RTL Boulevard
Maris from Temptation Island shares the reason for the breakup with Ivo | RTL Boulevard

In a TikTok video, Maris (30) from ‘Temptation Island’ provides explanations about her breakup with Ivo (31). The couple became known for their participation in the reality program and moved to Bali together. After a while, Maris returned alone to Dutch soil and that raised many questions, which she now answers.

“I owe you an explanation”

She starts her video with an apology to her followers. She understands very well that people want a ‘relationship status update’, after she shared the video of her return to the Netherlands. “I owe you an explanation. If famous people break up, I also want to know why those people broke up.” She just doesn’t consider herself a famous person by definition and therefore didn’t expect so many people to be interested in her story.

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Maris’s tone is a bit giggly in her video: “Otherwise I will cry and I don’t want that.” She indicates that a lot has happened recently and that she will discuss the common thread of the story. Maris and Ivo have been together for ten years and have also lived together during those years. Leading their own life was an important part of their relationship and that almost always went well.

Things changed in Bali, because they were close to each other 24/7. There was no room for their own thing, so the couple did everything together. Maris indicates that she is more into planning ahead and that this is not in Ivo’s system. This is where the first doubts began to arise. “I missed my dog ​​and would rather be in the same time zone as my friends and family again,” says Maris.

Maris and Ivo have therefore come to the conclusion that it is better to live separately. This is why she returned to the Netherlands alone. Ivo is currently still traveling in Asia. It is still unclear whether the two will get together again.

Maris was also a guest at Realitea and told more about her there Temptation Islandadventure and her open relationship. You can watch the episode below:

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Maris Temptation Island shares reason breakup Ivo RTL Boulevard
