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Bartender Victor stops at First Dates: ‘Who will take over my bow tie?’ | RTL Boulevard

“After more than four thousand dates and all the wonderful, moving, funny and emotional conversations at this bar, I’m calling it quits for the time being,” says Victor Abeln from behind his familiar bar. The bartender is going on a world trip.

The Netherlands fell in love with Victor in 2015 when his bright blue eyes made him a steady and beloved face. First Dates became. “Behind this bar I have witnessed many special encounters and brave daters who wanted to share their search for love with us,” he reflects.

The chance is not excluded that Victor will return to the program after his world trip. “I can still be seen in this restaurant of love until 2025,” he reassures his fans.

The bar does not remain unmanned during its journey. “Who will take over my bow tie? Because we will of course continue to look for very beautiful love stories. Are you the nicest bartender in the Netherlands and do you want and can be in my shoes? Then register in the link via the bio.”

When Sergio Vyent retired in 2021 First Dates Denice Dest took over his baton. The viewer is now used to the new hostess, but they will see a new face in a year. Perhaps the program will also have a bartender?

Victor himself is also happy in love. RTL Boulevard spoke to the couple:

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Bartender Victor stops Dates bow tie RTL Boulevard