Guardians of the Galaxy books on the way


If you’re a fan of Guardians of the Galaxy, you’re in luck, because Marvel will soon be releasing a brand new book series featuring the beloved anti-heroes from the Marvel Universe.

It is quite special how Guardians of the Galaxy has grown into a phenomenon in ten years. After the whole world fell in love with the gang in space through James Gunn’s MCU film in 2014, the series expanded with two more highly successful sequels. The Guardians of the Galaxy have now become one of the most beloved teams within Marvel, so it comes as no surprise that a book set based on the comic characters is now on the way.

You can pre-order the Guardians of the Galaxy: Large Set 2 at It will be published on August 1, 2024 for now, but in terms of details, little is clear about what exactly the book is about. It is clear that Groot plays the leading role, but an official cover has not yet been shown. The set costs 125.57 euros.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Large Set 2- Guardians of the Galaxy: Large Set 2 (Set)

Buy up sphere.

Guardians of the Galaxy in all shapes and sizes

Of course, the Guardians of the Galaxy can be found in all kinds of media these days. For example, there was a special around Christmas with the MCU heroes, while developer Eidos Montreal came up with a great game in 2021. This was reminiscent of a cross between the humor of the MCU and the gameplay of Uncharted.

At the time, the game was a bit snowed under, while the title initially didn’t seem to have much to offer. Ultimately, this turned out to be untrue, because the end product was appreciated by many players and critics.

In our review we were very pleased with the game, which can currently also be picked up for a reasonable price. The game, which appeared on the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PC, now only costs 30 euros at

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Guardians Galaxy books
