April 1, frog in your buttock: this is how companies tried to prank you this year | Domestic


Interior spray with an animal scent, volunteers who have to change station clocks and a television program that helps animals find owners: this year too, there will be many April Fool’s jokes. We have listed the most striking ones.

Volunteers have to change station clocks

Today is April 1 and summer time started last weekend. ProRail decided to combine those two things for an April Fool’s joke. Earlier this week, the railway manager placed an urgent appeal on Instagram: come and help change the station clocks! The video shows a local resident going to a station with her own ladder and then using a key to change the clock.

Let me sleep!

IKEA presents a bed with a transparent adjustable divider on Instagram: the solution to a major annoyance in the bedroom. This way, your partner can never roll to your side or hit you during sleep again. But you still keep the romance of sleeping together! IKEA has given the bed an appropriate name: Lameslape.

B&B Full of love helps animals find an owner

The televisionprogramme B&B Full of love has already brought many lovers together. RTL now announces an animal version of the television program: B&B Full of Animals. “Not only people are looking for love, but also animals,” says presenter Art Rooijakkers in the announcement on Instagram. The program matches lonely animals to a new owner.

Buy smoked sausage from your car

HEMA’s smoked sausage is already for sale in many cities. But the department store chain also thinks it would be a good idea to serve customers in their cars. HEMA is therefore announcing the smoked sausage drive-through. According to the press release, the first drive-through at the Holendrecht junction will open in week 14. Isn’t that coincidentally the week of April 1?

Waarom maken veel bedrijven een 1 aprilgrap?

“Een 1 aprilgrap is eigenlijk een inkoppertje voor de marketing”, zegt Jasmijn Rijcken. Zij heeft een marketingbedrijf dat reclamecampagnes voor verschillende bedrijven opzet. “Het doel van elk merk zou moeten zijn dat er over je gepraat wordt. Van 1 aprilgrappen worden mensen vaak blij. Als iets emotie oproept, zoals humor, heb je een grotere kans dat mensen het doorsturen.”

Bovendien is 1 april een goede gelegenheid om als merk een wat gedurfdere boodschap te plaatsen. “Met 1 april kun je buiten je comfortzone gaan”, zegt Rijcken. “Onder het mom van een grapje kun je dingen doen die je, zeker als braver merk, op andere momenten niet durft te doen.”

Een grap kan verkeerd vallen, maar dat vormt volgens Rijcken meestal geen belemmering. “Ik denk dat in een grap weinig risico zit en er veel mee te halen valt.”

The smell of a natural threat

Blijdorp Zoo presented an interior spray on Sunday with the scent of the zoo’s ‘impact areas’. It starts off as a typical April Fool’s joke, but it soon turns out to have a serious undertone. The people in the test panel smell the scents of fire, oil and fireworks. Blijdorp thus refers to threats to nature.

National Bell Pull Day

With the advent of video doorbells, it is much less easy for children to ring a bell these days. Coolblue feels responsible for this and wants to do something about it. That is why the company has declared April 1 as National Bell Trek Day.

Coolblue has created stickers especially for this purpose. Owners can stick this on their video doorbell for a day, so that they have to go back to the door to see who rang the bell. This way, calling a bell is just as fun as it used to be!

Mayonnaise liqueur

A traditional April Fool’s joke from companies is a special variant of a well-known product. Liquor chain Gall & Gall and the maker of Zaanse Mayonnaise have joined forces and are presenting a new spirit: Zaanse Mayonnaise liqueur. They also provide a recipe for a variation on the mai tai cocktail.


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