Utrecht 60 years ago: undeveloped area in Utrecht

Utrecht 60 years ago: undeveloped area in Utrecht
Utrecht 60 years ago: undeveloped area in Utrecht

The MP van den Hul family, Ezelsdijk 40, Utrecht – in the undeveloped area, as Mrs Van den Hul says jokingly but with the desperation of every day – has a telephone, but (yet) no water, (yet) no gas and no electricity. This was reported by the Utrechtsch Nieuwsblad on Thursday, April 2, 1964.

The telephone is a solution for this family in a farm on the edge of the city of Utrecht, near Karel van Doormanlaan. In August of last year, the UN highlighted how this family lacked light, gas and water.
Thanks to a subsidy from the municipality and a personal contribution, the Van den Hul family now receives water. When? – Maybe in six, possibly eight weeks, says Mrs. Van den Hul. Now she still goes to her brother in Blauwkapel for this, but what does a family do with a few cans of water? The children are washed with ditch water, because the water from the pump cannot be used.
Theaters, the UN wrote at the time, as if from a book by Dr. Vlimmen and it is still the same. The heifer is about to give birth and a foal is also expected. Once again one will have to make do with the light of stable lanterns. There will be no electrical line. That would cost at least 6,000 guilders and who should pay for that?
It is true that the municipality will soon have to have this farm in its possession for the sake of the city plan, but that could take years. Construction of water and gas pipelines is responsible.
A solution for the costs has been found. But it is hoped for the Van den Hul family that the authorities involved do not wait too long with the connection for this undeveloped area, close to Utrecht.
In the Van den Hul family, everything is taken laconically, but ultimately there is a limit to any endurance. Fortunately there is a telephone now. In this respect, the connection with the outside world is assured and people therefore make the necessary use of it.


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