LTO Netherlands sees no point in restricting the influx of migrant workers

LTO Netherlands sees no point in restricting the influx of migrant workers
LTO Netherlands sees no point in restricting the influx of migrant workers

LTO Netherlands does not see any point in limiting the influx of migrant workers, as was advocated on Tuesday, May 7, by Inspector General Rits de Boer of the Labor Inspectorate. “Migrant workers are a valued group of indispensable employees in agriculture and horticulture,” the interest group responds.

De Boer called for better regulation of labor migration. According to him, the Netherlands has reached the limit when it comes to the number of migrant workers. “As a result, new migrant workers are sleeping on the streets and we will increasingly find miserable living and working situations,” De Boer said in an interview with de Volkskrant.

LTO Netherlands emphasizes, however, that migrant workers, like all other employees, make an important contribution to the economic growth and prosperity of the Netherlands. Farmers and gardeners do recognize that employers bear an extra important responsibility.

‘From the point of view of being a good employer, migrant workers must be well taken care of and that is being done. A lot goes well, but not everything,” said LTO Netherlands.

Free movement

The lobby club also points to the free movement of people within the European Union. LTO Nederland believes that employers who want to invest in high-quality living conditions should receive more support than is currently the case.

‘And where rules are clearly violated, strict enforcement must be carried out by the Labor Inspectorate.’

The article is in Dutch


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