Parking permit costs increase by almost 8 percent in Groningen

Parking permit costs increase by almost 8 percent in Groningen
Parking permit costs increase by almost 8 percent in Groningen

People who need a permit to park their car near their home often pay more for it than a few years ago. In Groningen, the costs for a parking permit have increased by almost 8 percent.

In six out of ten municipalities with a parking permit area, costs have risen, according to research by the Eigen Huis Association.

In the city center of Groningen, residents pay almost 370 euros for a parking permit. This puts Groningen in the fourth most expensive place for parking permits. The most expensive parking permit is for car owners who live within the Singel in the center of Amsterdam. This year they pay 630 euros. In 2021 this was still 568 euros, an increase of 11 percent. After that, city center residents of Utrecht (615 euros), Groningen (370 euros) and Den Bosch (368 euros) lost the most money.

Last year, residents paid 343 euros, a difference of 26.56 euros.

This year, 147 of the 342 municipalities have at least one area for which a parking permit is required. Some municipalities have multiple permit zones with different prices. In those cases, the annual rate for the most expensive parking permit was taken into account. On average, the rate for the most expensive permit increased by almost 9 percent.
