Van Anrooij in top 10 in the Basque Country | Sports in Zeeland

Van Anrooij in top 10 in the Basque Country | Sports in Zeeland
Van Anrooij in top 10 in the Basque Country | Sports in Zeeland

Cyclist Shirin van Anrooij finished ninth on Friday during the first stage of the Itzulia Women, the Tour of the Basque Country. De Kapelse mixed in the sprint with a number of other classification riders.


10-05-24, 2:20 PM


The Itzulia Women is in three days. On the first day the differences remained small and the stage ended in a sprint after 140 kilometers. Van Anrooij crossed the line in the same time as winner Micha Bredewold. On Wednesday she also finished third in a sprint in the Navarra Classic.

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Tags: Van Anrooij top Basque Country Sports Zeeland
