There is a rare, high chance of Northern Lights in the Netherlands in the coming nights | Domestic

There is a rare, high chance of Northern Lights in the Netherlands in the coming nights | Domestic
There is a rare, high chance of Northern Lights in the Netherlands in the coming nights | Domestic

Anyone who loves the aurora borealis, or the northern lights, does not always have to be in the north of Scandinavia. The natural phenomenon will probably be visible in large parts of our country in the coming nights.

“If you are a nature photographer or like to see something unique, then this is your chance,” meteorologist Donny de Koning from Weerplaza told Almost all signals are green so that you can see the Northern Lights both on the night from Friday to Saturday and the following nights. “This is the best moment of the last twenty years.”

The American weather agency NOAA has issued a warning for the type of solar storm that ensures that we can see the northern lights in much more southerly places than normal.

“The index that indicates the chance that we will see the Northern Lights is 8 on a scale of 9. That is really extremely high,” De Koning explains.

“It remains a chance, but there is a lot of potential to see the Northern Lights. We only really know at the last minute what that will look like and how much activity we can observe.”

Afspelen knop

This is how the northern lights are created

Prediction of Northern Lights very rare

It is not only rare that we can see the Northern Lights in the Netherlands, it is also rare that we know this in advance. “We are often surprised by the northern lights and miss the moments. Now many people will go out to take the most beautiful images.”

A series of solar flares are heading towards Earth. The first are expected to arrive between 8 p.m. Friday and 5 a.m. Saturday. Only when it is pitch dark can you see the Northern Lights properly.

“That is a period of approximately 2.5 hours and in the extreme south of the Netherlands even 3.5 hours,” says De Koning. He states that the period between 1:00 am and 3:30 am is the best to see the aurora borealis.

The weather also has to cooperate, but the meteorologist reassures the enthusiast. “Only in the north there may be some low clouds next night. But on the other nights it will be clearly visible in both the north and south.”

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Beeld: Getty Images

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Tags: rare high chance Northern Lights Netherlands coming nights Domestic
