A documentary from kidney stones: ‘Nature is not outside of us’

A documentary from kidney stones: ‘Nature is not outside of us’
A documentary from kidney stones: ‘Nature is not outside of us’

“Kidney stones fascinate me because they show something beautiful about the boundary we draw between ourselves and nature. We think that nature is outside of us, but we do produce wedellite ourselves.” Wedellite is an unprecedented mineral that you find in kidney stones and in Antarctica. “I find that very poetic. There is no connection and yet that is how it is.”

In her film, a retired nature documentary narrator works on an ultimate story about the maligned world of stone after suffering from kidney stones. It brings her to Palestinian stonemasons, British detectives and a painter in a Cape Verdean lava landscape. The narrator is Benoot’s alter ego. “Apple cider vinegar is about the relationship between people and nature. I thought it would be interesting to have someone report who symbolizes our changing attitude towards nature. I thought of David Attenborough. Now he is an icon in the fight against climate change, but he has long refused to speak about it. He considered it his primary task to entertain and amaze people. I think that switch is… er… special.”

The article is in Dutch

Tags: documentary kidney stones Nature
