Putin continues to hold on to his ‘loyal Prime Minister’ Mikhail Mishustin | Abroad

Putin continues to hold on to his ‘loyal Prime Minister’ Mikhail Mishustin | Abroad
Putin continues to hold on to his ‘loyal Prime Minister’ Mikhail Mishustin | Abroad

Mikhail Mishustin remains the Prime Minister of Russia. The State Duma, one of the chambers of the Russian parliament, approved his reappointment on Friday. Russian President Vladimir Putin has opted for stability and continuity, writes, among others The Moscow Times.

383 deputies voted in favor and 41 abstained. There was not a single voice against it.

Mishustin has been Russia’s prime minister since the beginning of 2020, but is rarely in the picture. He has been loyal to Putin for years, including during the invasion of Ukraine. The Russian president also unconditionally supports Mishustin.

The 58-year-old prime minister is a technocrat and is said to have had no political ambitions before he was asked to join the Kremlin. Mishustin previously worked for a long time as head of the tax authorities

Putin began his fifth term as president on Thursday and will remain in power for at least another six years. According to the law, the government must resign shortly before. That is why the president can now select a team of ministers again.

Due to Mishustin’s reappointment, among other things, it does not appear that he will opt for major change.

The article is in Netherlands

Tags: Putin continues hold loyal Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin
