Bosz responds to Noa Lang’s remarkable Instagram post: ‘Not wise of Noa’

Bosz responds to Noa Lang’s remarkable Instagram post: ‘Not wise of Noa’
Bosz responds to Noa Lang’s remarkable Instagram post: ‘Not wise of Noa’

Peter Bosz gave an initial response on Friday morning to the Instagram post in which Noa Lang stated that his hamstring injury had been misdiagnosed three times. The coach of newly crowned national champion PSV calls the statements made by his summer signing on social media ‘not wise’, but also says he can understand his player.

On Tuesday, a day after PSV was extensively honored for winning its 25th national title, Lang told his story on Instagram. ““I am not the type of person who shows the outside world what is going on mentally and I like to keep things private, but I think I have to do that now to make things clear,” the international wrote, among other things. His continued absence could also be were caused by ‘three misdiagnoses’, it reads further. “Mistakes were made, but I don’t blame anyone,” Lang concluded the topic. Lang’s post was initially shared by the club’s official account on Instagram Stories, but removed again a short time later.

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Bosz was of course asked on Friday for a response to the statements made by his top purchase from last summer, who, due to persistent injuries, has only played nineteen games (and five goals) for the Eindhoven team and was not included in the match selection on Sunday during the away match against Fortuna Sittard. sit. His trainer is not happy with the post, that much is clear: “I didn’t think it was wise of Noa,” Bosz is quoted on X by Telegraphreporter Jeroen Kapteijns.

Yet the trainer from Apeldoorn can have some understanding for Lang’s statements: “I understand that he wanted to say something once,” says Bosz. However, he does not approve of the way his player did that: “I didn’t think this was the right reaction and not the right platform to put this away,” the coach concluded.

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