Eurovision: Joost Klein misses Dutch rehearsal after ‘incident’

Eurovision: Joost Klein misses Dutch rehearsal after ‘incident’
Eurovision: Joost Klein misses Dutch rehearsal after ‘incident’
Image caption, Joost Klein is due to represent the Netherlands in Saturday’s Eurovision final
Article information
  • Author, Mark Savage
  • role, Music correspondent
  • 1 hour ago

The Dutch Eurovision entrant did not take part in Friday’s rehearsals for the song contest’s final because of “an incident”, organizers have said.

Joost Klein’s props were being set up on stage inside the Malmö Arena when a production manager indicated they should be removed.

The European Broadcasting Union [EBU] said: “We are currently investigating an incident that was reported to us involving the Dutch artist. He will not be rehearsed until further notice.

“We have no further comment at this time and will update in due course.”

No details about the nature of the incident have been revealed.

There was some confusion inside the arena during rehearsals as Klein’s song Europapa was skipped without explanation and Israel’s entrant Eden Golan, who was next in the running order, took his place.

The last-minute change suggests the “incident” was recent – ​​maybe even taking place as the two acts waited backstage.

The BBC has contacted the EBU for further explanation.

As rehearsals continued, organizers included Klein’s song in the voting montage, using footage from an earlier rehearsal. That suggests they think he will participate in Friday night’s jury final.

The televised public final will take place on Saturday.

Image caption, Joost Klein (left) and Eden Golan (second right) appeared together at a press conference on Thursday

Israel’s participation in Eurovision has been a source of controversy amid rising civilian deaths and a worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza, and there have been protests in the Swedish host city.

At a Eurovision press conference on Thursday, Golan was asked whether she had “ever thought that by being here you bring risk and danger for other participants and public?”

When the Israeli singer was told by the moderator that she did not have to answer the question, Klein chimed in: “Why not?”

Golan replied: “I think we’re all here for one reason, and one reason only, and the EBU is taking all safety precautions to make this a safe and united place for everyone, and so I think it’s safe for everyone and we wouldn’t it’s here [if not].”

Earlier, when Klein was asked if his song could live up to the Eurovision slogan and unite people by music, he replied: “I think that’s a good question for the EBU.”

On Friday afternoon, the EBU canceled a press conference involving UK entry Olly Alexander and the other “big five” acts who did not need to compete in the semi-finals.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Eurovision Joost Klein misses Dutch rehearsal incident
