United Kingdom refuses to sign WHO vaccine treaty | Abroad

United Kingdom refuses to sign WHO vaccine treaty | Abroad
United Kingdom refuses to sign WHO vaccine treaty | Abroad

The United Kingdom refuses to sign the World Health Organization (WHO) vaccine treaty. The British say the treaty would require them to give away a fifth of their vaccines.

The UK will only agree to a binding global deal if it agrees to allow British vaccines to be used for its own national interest, reports TheTelegraph.

The 194 member states of the WHO are midway through negotiations on the WHO Pandemic Agreement, an initiative announced in May 2021.

This treaty should strengthen international cooperation in the field of warning systems, data exchange and research. Local, regional and global production and distribution of vaccines, medicines, diagnostics and personal protective equipment must also be improved.

The agreements are intended to better protect the world against new pathogens, after the corona pandemic killed millions of people.

Talks on the agreement should be completed by May 10. Countries can then adopt the agreement later this month at the WHO’s annual meeting. The UK Department of Health and WHO did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

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