Noor who mutilated people and streamed it for money gets life in prison in UK | Abroad

Noor who mutilated people and streamed it for money gets life in prison in UK | Abroad
Noor who mutilated people and streamed it for money gets life in prison in UK | Abroad

A Norwegian who mutilated people and streamed it online has been given a life sentence in the United Kingdom. The man made money with his practices.

Marius Gustavson, nicknamed the ‘eunuch maker’, is said to have earned more than 300,000 pounds (348,000 euros) from the website on which he streamed, according to British media. The 46-year-old Norwegian engaged in extreme body modifications, so-called extreme body modifications. He offered, among other things, castrations.

On his site, according to the BBC videos showing the suspect and his accomplices carrying out drastic procedures in apartments and hotel rooms. They were not medically qualified to do so.

A prosecutor said there is also evidence of cannibalism, reports The Guardian. Testicles are said to have been included in a lunch salad. Body parts are also said to have been kept as “trophies” or sold to others. During the trial, video footage was shown of a man branded with the letters EM, short for eunuch maker.

Gustavson’s website attracted tens of thousands of visitors from all over the world. They could pay £100 a year for a special VIP subscription. Victims were promised a share of the proceeds from the videos. British justice says that victims were often vulnerable people who were manipulated by the Norwegian.

The judge called the practices “heinous” and “extremely dangerous”. Gustavson must serve at least 22 years of his life sentence. Several accomplices were also sentenced to years in prison.

Beeld: Getty Images

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Tags: Noor mutilated people streamed money life prison
