Leader of mutilation website gets life in prison in England | RTL News

Leader of mutilation website gets life in prison in England | RTL News
Leader of mutilation website gets life in prison in England | RTL News

From England, the 46-year-old Norwegian, together with a group of accomplices, engaged in extreme body modifications. He offered, among other things, castrations. The people who had their bodies mutilated by him paid for this service. The procedures were carried out in apartments and hotel rooms.

According to the BBC, videos of these mutilations were distributed via Gustavson’s website, which is not medically qualified to perform such operations. The procedures included ‘removing the penis’ and ‘freezing body parts’.

Eunuch maker

A prosecutor said there is also evidence of cannibalism. Testicles are said to have been included in a lunch salad. Body parts are also said to have been kept as trophies or sold to others. During the trial, video footage was shown of a man branded with the letters EM, short for eunuch maker.

The prosecutor said the motive was partly “sexual gratification” and partly “pecuniary gain.”

Gustavson also had body parts removed by his accomplices. Last year, two men were convicted of removing Gustavson’s penis and nipple.

Gustavson’s website attracted tens of thousands of visitors from all over the world. They could pay £100 a year for a special VIP subscription. Victims were promised a share of the proceeds from videos. Justice says that victims were often vulnerable people who allowed themselves to be manipulated by the Norwegian.

The judge called the practices ‘heinous’ and ‘extremely dangerous’ and imposed a life sentence. Gustavson must serve at least 22 years of that sentence.

Six co-suspects received prison sentences of between four and twelve years.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Leader mutilation website life prison England RTL News
