Free wine hidden in small print of British think tank discovered after 3 months | Abroad

Free wine hidden in small print of British think tank discovered after 3 months | Abroad
Free wine hidden in small print of British think tank discovered after 3 months | Abroad

A British think tank has hidden an offer of free wine in the small print of its privacy policy as a playful protest. Only after three months did a visitor to the site discover the text and claim the drink.

The creator of the action calls it a “childish protest” against British privacy rules. These oblige companies to place text on their own website “that no one reads at all,” Dan Neidle complains BBC News.

Neidle is the owner of a think tank focused on tax issues. Out of frustration, he added a special sentence to the mandatory privacy policy text on his website three months ago.

“We’ll send a good bottle of wine to the first person who reads this,” the text read. According to Neidle, it took three months for someone to reach out to claim the wine.

This was not even a regular reader, but someone who visited the site to gain inspiration for drawing up their own privacy policy.

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Inspiration comes from rock band Van Halen

According to Neidle, this shows that the mandatory texts are of no use. “Every small coffee shop should have a privacy policy on their website,” he counters BBC News. “It’s insane. It’s a waste of money.”

Neidle found his inspiration for the action in rock band Van Halen. At performances he demanded bowls of M&M’s without the brown variety of the candy. The band wanted to test whether the organizers paid attention to all details, such as technology.

“A brilliant strategy to see if people are paying attention,” says Neidle. He has kept his promise and has sent the attentive reader a bottle of Château de Sales 2013/14 Pomerol.

Beeld: Getty Images

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Buitenland Tech

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Free wine hidden small print British tank discovered months
