The Netherlands will soon also send illegal asylum seekers to Rwanda

The Netherlands will soon also send illegal asylum seekers to Rwanda
The Netherlands will soon also send illegal asylum seekers to Rwanda

To stop the flow of migrants crossing the ocean on rickety boats, Britain will send illegal asylum seekers to Rwanda. Other European countries are watching with a wary eye. Should the Netherlands follow this example?

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Should the Netherlands also send illegal asylum seekers to Rwanda?

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Annuleren Verwijderen

This is the situation

British send asylum seekers to East Africa

We are all familiar with the images of migrants trying to cross the ocean on rickety boats. They make a desperate attempt to find a better life. But if they do make it to the other side, a next challenge awaits them, namely being allowed to stay in the country they reach.

The dangerous crossings with far too many people on small boats are usually organized by human smugglers. Anyone who wants to go on such a boat must pay a fee to these ‘traders’. In an effort to discourage this human trafficking, Britain has now taken a drastic decision.

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Annuleren Verwijderen

‘Rwanda is veilig’

The British government has decided to send asylum seekers who reach the United Kingdom without the correct papers to Rwanda. Their asylum procedure can then take place in that country. Rwanda has agreed to this in exchange for financial compensation.

The flow of asylum is also a major problem for the British. Tens of thousands of migrants – often fleeing wars and poverty in Africa, the Middle East and Asia – have set foot in the United Kingdom in recent years. The new law states that some British human rights do not apply to the plan and that British judges must now treat the country of Rwanda as a safe destination. Is Rwanda veilig?

The Dutch government gives Rwanda the color code yellow. This means that you can travel to the country, but there are risks.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs warns that rebel groups are active in Eastern Congo, near the border with Rwanda. Relations between Congo and Rwanda are tense and the security situation could change suddenly. Anyone who wants to go to Rwanda is warned that violent incidents may occur there.

Migrants arriving in Rwanda end up in the Hope Hostel. This is what it looks like:

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Veel kritiek

There is a lot to do about the British Rwanda plan. Critics say the new law is inhumane. They point to, among other things, the human rights situation in Rwanda itself and the risk that asylum seekers are sent back to countries where they are in danger.

The British Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights previously decided that the plan violates the human rights of migrants. Despite this, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says he will put asylum seekers on a plane to Rwanda within ten to twelve weeks. Waarom gaat Rwanda hiermee akkoord?

Rwanda krijgt in ruil voor het opnemen van de migranten 433 miljoen euro van de Britse regering.

This is the discussion

Should the Netherlands follow the British example?

Other European countries are watching the British new law with interest. Dutch politicians have already indicated that they are interested in a similar plan. The Germans and Italians are also interested in having asylum procedures take place in another country. Should the Netherlands join the British and also send migrants without a chance of asylum to Rwanda?

Member of Parliament Joost Eerdmans (JA21) agrees This is the Day (EO) that he also thinks the British plan is a good option for the Netherlands. He would not immediately choose Rwanda, but according to the group leader there are other countries in Africa with which a good deal can be made.

Joost Eerdmans

Member of Parliament JA21

“Je mag geen vluchteling terugsturen naar onveilig gebied. Dat zal een rechter nooit toestaan. Dus je moet zoeken naar een land, wat mij betreft in Afrika, dat de Nederlandse standaard kan leveren. En dan gaat het over de totale asielprocedure. Ik heb wel eens Zambia genoemd, een land dat er aanzienlijk stabieler voor staat dan Rwanda. Het gaat erom dat je afspraken maakt met een land dat de asielprocedure overneemt. Dan zou je enorme winst kunnen boeken. Voor de asielzoeker, die niet meer langs zoveel landen hoeft te reizen om in Nederland of Engeland terecht te komen. En je hebt niet meer de druk op je asielketen.”

Leo Lucassen, professor of migration history at Leiden University, does not believe that the British plan will help. He expects refugees will not be deterred and will simply continue trying to reach the United Kingdom.

© NPO Radio 1

Leo Lucassen

Professor of migration history at Leiden University

“Het plan is wreed, kostbaar en ineffectief. Aan vluchtelingen die nu in Noord-Frankrijk zitten is gevraagd of ze de overtocht naar Engeland nog gaan wagen, als ze weten dat ze op het vliegtuig naar Rwanda gezet kunnen worden. Iedereen zegt ‘ja’. Vergeet niet dat veel van die mensen al familieleden of kennissen hebben in Engeland.”

Lucassen also believes that the plan is not in line with the United Nations refugee treaty, which stipulates that asylum seekers may not be sent back to a country where they are in danger. Lucassen expects that the European judge will never approve it. Instead of sending asylum seekers to Africa, we should improve integration in the Netherlands, he believes.

© NPO Radio 1

Leo Lucassen

Professor of migration history at Leiden University

“Handhaaf het huidige systeem, maar zorg ervoor dat je de integratie van asielzoekers in Nederland veel beter regelt. Dan vinden deze mensen veel sneller hun eigen weg, zijn ze vluchteling-af en onderdeel van onze samenleving.”

Jan van de Beek conducted research into the economic effects of immigration. He also sees that the British plan does not yet have a chance in a European court. But according to Van de Beek, a solution can be found for this, he says at the table Op1 (EO).

© EO / Op1

Jan van de Beek


“Verdragen zijn door mensen gemaakt. Het zijn gewoon woorden op papier. In het Vluchtelingenverdrag zit artikel 44, het opzegartikel. Dat kost een jaar, maar dan heb je het opgezegd. Het Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens kan je ook opzeggen. Ik denk ook dat het moreel juist is om dat te doen. De Middellandse Zee is inmiddels een massagraf geworden. Er zijn tienduizenden mensen verdronken, doordat we mensen aantrekken die we eigenlijk niet willen hebben. Dat is amoreel.”

Professor of Migration History Marlou Schrover thinks terminating treaties is a very unwise plan. She says that this can only be done by leaving the European Union, unless the entire EU shifts. But according to Schrover, a lot of water must still flow through the Rhine. Above all, we must cherish the human rights treaties, she says.

© EO / Op1

Marlou Schrover

Professor of migration history

“Als wij in een oorlogssituatie belanden, zijn we heel blij met het Vluchtelingenverdrag en de mogelijkheid om ergens anders asiel aan te vragen.”

This is the debate

Listen to our podcast

Are you curious about the entire conversation? This is the Day (EO)? Listen to the podcast below, in which presenter Joram Kaat talks to Leo Lucassen (professor of migration history) and Joost Eerdmans (Member of Parliament JA21).

Watch the broadcast

And would you like to watch the entire fragment of the discussion at the table? Op1 (EO) to see? Then watch below the conversation that presenters Tijs van den Brink and Margje Fikse had with researcher Jan van de Beek and professor of migration history Marlou Schrover (from minute 16.54).

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What do you think?

What do you think of the deal the British made with Rwanda?

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Annuleren Verwijderen

Answer knowledge question: Kigali is the capital and with approximately 1.8 million inhabitants, also the largest city in Rwanda.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Netherlands send illegal asylum seekers Rwanda


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