EU party leaders attack the radical right over ties with Russia and China | Politics

EU party leaders attack the radical right over ties with Russia and China | Politics
EU party leaders attack the radical right over ties with Russia and China | Politics
Door onze politieke redactie

During the European Parliament’s first major election debate, the arrows were aimed at the radical right group on Monday. Ursula von der Leyen (Christian Democrats) and Bas Eickhout (the Greens) lashed out at ‘list leader’ Andres Vistisen because of the bribery scandals within his group.

“I’m getting a bit tired of this, to be honest,” Eickhout said to Vistisen at one point. “All the problems we see with bribery from the Russians are happening within your group.”

He referred to recent reports about parliamentarians from the German radical right Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the Belgian Vlaams Belang being suspected of bribery by Russia and China.

According to Belgian media, Flemish politician Filip Dewinter worked for China for years. The politician from the radical right-wing Vlaams Belang was paid for lobbying by a Chinese spy. At AfD, the German justice department has started an investigation into Maximilian Krah due to possible bribery by Russia and China.

The first major debate in the run-up to the European Parliament elections in early June was held in Maastricht on Monday evening. The so-called ‘Spitzencandidates’ (see box below) discussed with each other about the climate, security and democracy.

The debate was organized by Politico and Studio Europa Maastricht. Almost all Spitzencandidates from the European groups were present.

‘War in Ukraine used as camouflage’

In the run-up to the elections for the European Parliament, a lot of attention is being paid to possible bribery scandals. After Russia invaded Ukraine, (old) ties between political parties with Russia are being scrutinized.

There is also a lot of attention for this in the Netherlands. Especially since it was reported from the Czech Republic that Dutch politicians had been bribed by Russians.

Many parties that are under a magnifying glass in the European Parliament are affiliated with Vistisen’s Identity and Democracy (I&D). It is the group that the PVV will also join after the elections.

De Spitzenkandidaten

  • Ursula von der Leyen (Duitsland) voor de christendemocraten
  • Nicolas Schmit (Luxemburg) voor de sociaaldemocraten
  • Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (Duitsland) voor de liberalen
  • Anders Vistisen (Denemarken) voor de uiterst rechtse fractie/rechts-radicalen
  • Bas Eickhout (Nederland) voor de groenen
  • Valeriu Ghiletchi (Moldavië) voor de rechtsconservatieven
  • Walter Baier (Oostenrijk) voor de uiterst linkse fractie
  • Maylis Rossberg (Deense minderheid in Duitsland) voor de Europese vrije alliantie

‘Clean up your own mess first’

In the context of the Russian war in Ukraine, Vistisen preferred to talk about how Von der Leyen uses that war as “camouflage” to “push through” more European integration.

Eickhout, the GroenLinks member who represents the European Green group in the European Parliament, had had enough of those accusations. “Clean up your own mess before you lecture someone.”

Von der Leyen, the current president of the European Commission who wants to continue in the job for the next five years, also rubbed it into the radical right Vistisen that his own election manifesto is steeped in “lies and propaganda that you also hear in the Kremlin. “

Her wasn’t the only time the two measured each other this evening. Although the design did not leave much room for real debate, Eickhout, Von der Leyen and Vistisen in particular sought each other out. The latter also personally attacked Von der Leyen at the beginning during his introduction.

She would be fired “the first of ten thousand bureaucrats” if he were to take charge.

Wat zijn Spitzenkandidaten?

Bijna alle nationale politieke partijen maken in Brussel deel uit van een Europese politieke fractie. In zo’n fractie zitten Europarlementariërs uit verschillende landen.

De PVV hoort bijvoorbeeld bij de ultrarechtse fractie. Soms zitten er meer nationale partijen in dezelfde Europese fractie. NSC, CDA, ChristenUnie en BBB zijn bijvoorbeeld allemaal onderdeel van de christendemocratische volkspartij.

Elke Europese groep wijst voor de parlementsverkiezingen een aanvoerder aan: de Spitzenkandidaat. Dit systeem is in 2014 bedacht om meer mensen naar de stembus te trekken. Het was de bedoeling dat de spitzenkandidaat van de grootste groep de voorzitter van de Europese Commissie zou worden.

Bij de vorige verkiezingen in 2019 kwam dat niet van de grond. Na politiek gesteggel tussen verschillende regeringsleiders kreeg niet de Duitse Manfred Weber (de spitzenkandidaat van de winnende christendemocraten) de machtigste baan van de EU, maar de Duitse Ursula von der Leyen.

The article is in Netherlands

Tags: party leaders attack radical ties Russia China Politics


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