Gordon says that SBS6 will broadcast his reality series, but Talpa confirms nothing | Media

Gordon says that SBS6 will broadcast his reality series, but Talpa confirms nothing | Media
Gordon says that SBS6 will broadcast his reality series, but Talpa confirms nothing | Media
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Gordon spoke in on Monday Show news that SBS6 will broadcast its new reality series, but Talpa does not want to confirm this.

“I don’t know, my God, when it is planned, but we have already filmed very nice things,” said the singer and presenter about the reality soap. “I was surprised that SBS was interested.”

Talpa wanted to hear Gordon’s message Show news not confirm.

John van den Heuvel previously announced that he was making a new reality series about Gordon with his production company. The crime journalist initially planned to make a new series with Gordon and Gerard Joling.

This turned out to be impossible, because Joling said he had too full an agenda. Van den Heuvel and his partner then continued talking to Gordon.


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