Using chat GPT: this is how you talk to the smart chatbot


Would you like to use Chat GPT? We explain step by step how the smart chatbot works – and give you some useful tips.

ChatGPT: the smart chatbot

ChatGPT is perhaps the most impressive AI at the moment. It is a smart chatbot that can talk to you in very natural language and perform all kinds of complex tasks with ease. Think, for example, of rewriting text, making a summary, explaining a certain topic, writing a letter of application, and more.

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The iPhone 14 Pro now up to €10 discount per month!

It works exactly as you would expect from a chat: you type in a command or question, and ChatGPT responds just like a human would – only a lot faster. You just need to know how to access ChatGPT: we will help you on your way!

This is how you can use Chat GPT

To use Chat GPT, you first need an account with OpenAI. That is the company behind the smart chatbot. Below you can read how this works.

Create an OpenAI account

Create OpenAI account

Create OpenAI account

  1. Go to the OpenAI account page.
  2. Enter your email address, tap ‘I’m not a robot’, and tap ‘Continue’.
  3. Then enter a (strong) password and press ‘Continue’ again.
  4. You will now receive a verification email. Click on ‘Verify email address’.
  5. A new window will now open in your browser. Enter your name here, and possibly the organization you work for. Click ‘Continue’.
  6. Enter your phone number now. This is used by OpenAI to prevent one person from creating multiple accounts. Then click on ‘Send code’, and then enter the code that was sent to you as a text message.
  7. Then indicate what you will mainly use OpenAI for, and your account is ready for use.

Start ChatGPT

Now you’re ready to launch ChatGPT! To do this, go to and, if necessary, log in again with your newly created account. You will immediately see the chat window of ChatGPT. Don’t you see this? Then ChatGPT suffers from a lot of internet traffic – in that case you have to wait until the service is available again.

Using chat GPT

Using chat GPT

Note: chatting with ChatGPT always goes through your browser. There is no official chatbot app. This also means that the ChatGPT apps that are in the App Store and Google Play Store are all not OpenAI: so don’t download them!

Tips for ChatGPT

Nice, such a chat window, but what do you actually have to enter to get a sensible response from ChatGPT? We have listed a few tips for you.

  • ChatGPT understands Dutch
    Although all ChatGPT menus are in English, you don’t need to fill in any English texts to talk to the chatbot. It is possible that you have to type ‘respond in Dutch’ with the first message – after that the chatbot will remember this.
  • ChatGPT understands context
    Unlike many “smart” assistants, ChatGPT understands the context of a conversation. Suppose you ask him to summarize a text. You get a summary, but you still think it’s a bit too long. Then all you have to do is type ‘make it even shorter’ – ChatGPT will understand what you mean.
  • You can paste texts
    You can ask a question, and paste a text that ChatGPT has to work with. For example: ‘write a more playful version of the following text:’ with a pasted text underneath. ChatGPT can distinguish the command from the text.
  • ChatGPT is a master of styles
    ‘Answer in the style of Shakespeare’, ‘write it down like a rap’, ‘make it a Sinterklaas poem’: ChatGPT can write its answers entirely in a certain style. So make the most of this.
  • ChatGPT can program
    Have you written a piece of code, for example for an app or game, but you don’t know how to proceed? ChatGPT can complete this code for you. However, the code is generally not really efficient – but often it works in the end!
  • Knowledge with a limit
    The so-called dataset of ChatGPT – so the information with which the chatbot is fed – dates from 2021. So if you ask about the specifications of the latest iPhone, or about recent events, he cannot answer this.

Want to read more about ChatGPT?

In our latest release, iCreate 145, you can read more about ChatGPT: how does the chatbot affect our jobs, and what weird mistakes can it make? In addition, in a workshop we will show you how to use an iPhone to create art and photos with AI, just by typing what you want to see…

iCreate 145

iCreate 145

iCreate 145

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