PSV striker Noa Lang comes up with a message on Instagram and explains his long-term absence

PSV striker Noa Lang comes up with a message on Instagram and explains his long-term absence
PSV striker Noa Lang comes up with a message on Instagram and explains his long-term absence

Noa Lang has given an explanation for his long absence from PSV in a message on Instagram. The attacker switched from Club Brugge to PSV last summer and got off to a good start in Eindhoven, but has been struggling with hamstring problems since August. An injury sidelined him for a while at the end of last year and has now meant that he has not played any matches for more than three months. According to Lang, ‘mistakes’ have been made.

PSV celebrated its first championship since 2018 on Monday evening and Lang played a remarkable role during the ceremony. The attacker was mainly busy with the new season, in which he will want to ‘take revenge’ for his first year since his return to the Dutch fields. After all, due to injuries he only has a small share in Eindhoven’s success and that bothers him. “PSV player, first of all, I would like to thank everyone for the past few days. Horrible man, and I will never forget this,” Lang begins his message on Instagram.

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“I am not the type of person who shows the outside world what is going on mentally and I like to keep things private, but I think I have to do that now to make things clear,” the Dutch international continues. For Lang, he said it was ‘not an easy year’ mentally. It was ‘confrontational’ for him every match to see his team play and not be able to participate himself. The reason: his hamstring, which has been bothering him since August. “But due to three wrong diagnoses, I only found out in January. The problem turned out to be much worse than what was first reported. And that explained why my hamstring started to bother me again every time I started playing again. Mistakes were made, but I don’t blame anyone.”

Lang also struggled with glandular fever, which did not make his rehabilitation process any easier. “But I always kept smiling. I would like to thank everyone within PSV for all the support and appreciation I have received from day one. PSV is a warm family club and I am grateful to be part of it, even though it has not felt that way for me personally in recent months. I am proud of my team, and I am already focusing on next season in which we will win all the trophies together,” he concludes.

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