Fewer heat pumps due to full power grid? ‘Things don’t have to be locked everywhere’ | climate

Fewer heat pumps due to full power grid? ‘Things don’t have to be locked everywhere’ | climate
Fewer heat pumps due to full power grid? ‘Things don’t have to be locked everywhere’ | climate

Households in one part of the country are advised not to use an electric heat pump, but a hybrid. Due to the busy power grid, there is no room for fully electric models, according to the outgoing cabinet. A missed opportunity for making homes more sustainable?

Duurzaam installateur Patrick Schimmel is geen fan van de hybride warmtepomp. Bij zo’n warmtepomp gaat een deel van de verwarming elektrisch, maar op koude dagen springt een ketel op gas bij. “Als bedrijf hebben wij er bewust voor gekozen om helemaal niets meer met hybride te doen”, zegt Schimmel.

Volgens hem is het zinniger om een huis eerst goed te isoleren en dan alsnog over te stappen op een volledig elektrische warmtepomp. Dat levert een permanente energiebesparing op, terwijl bij een hybride warmtepomp alleen verandert welke soort energie je gebruikt om je huis te verwarmen. “Het is een tussenstap die volgens ons niet nodig is”, vindt Schimmel.

Toch is het juist die tussenstap die demissionair klimaatminister Rob Jetten aanraadt voor huishoudens in de provincies Utrecht, Gelderland en delen van Flevoland. Daar nemen het kabinet en netbeheerders “onorthodoxe maatregelen” om de drukte op het stroomnet te bestrijden.

Eén daarvan is dus het advies om geen volledig elektrische warmtepomp te installeren. Een advies dat overigens wel vrijblijvend is, zegt een woordvoerder van Jetten. “Mensen die wel all-electric willen, kunnen daarvoor kiezen.”

Sales are already slumping

However, concerns about the overcrowded power grid already seem to be causing a dip in heat pump sales. In the first quarter of the year, sales to installers halved according to the Heat Pumps Association. According to various installers, consumer demand still remains high. “We see no stagnation. There is still plenty of interest in heat pumps,” says Eneco’s installation company.

Yet heat pump manufacturers fear that the reports about the full power grid will scare people off. “This concern hangs over the market and that leads to caution,” says Frank Agterberg, chairman of the trade association.

But that caution is not required in every neighborhood or street, says Olof van der Gaag of the Dutch Sustainable Energy Association. He understands Jetten’s warning: “You cannot let everyone install an electric heat pump without any worries.”

Congestions on the power grid are lurking in some streets, for example where many electric cars are already driving around and heat pumps have been installed. But there is still room on the network in other places, including in the provinces where the problems are greatest. “There is no need to lock everything down everywhere,” Van der Gaag thinks.

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App maps overload

As a consumer, it is difficult to see what the situation is like in your street or neighborhood. Network operators are working on an app that should make it possible to check this. Such an app should also encourage people to be smarter with their energy consumption, for example by not charging their electric car if traffic jams threaten on the highway.

According to Agterberg, municipalities must also do more to give households clarity about the future of their neighborhood. “They must make it clear: what, where, when?” he says. For example, whether a heating network is planned. Or when the power grid is strengthened, when people individually have to make their homes more sustainable. In many places this is not clear at the moment, because municipalities are still making their future plans.

Demissionair ministers Rob Jetten en Hugo de Jonge bezoeken een nieuwe warmtepompfabriek, in augustus 2023.

Smart heat pump can help

The heat pump itself will also have to become a lot smarter. In the future, software can control it so that it runs faster at times that are favorable for the power grid, and a little lower during rush hour. Jetten says he is exploring whether he can encourage the purchase of such smart heat pumps through the subsidy scheme for sustainable heating.

This idea is not entirely uncontroversial. Jetten was recently accused in the House of Representatives of wanting to “get into the fuse box” by switching off equipment remotely. That is not the case, he assured.

Consumers should be able to benefit from avoiding peak hours on the power grid, Agterberg thinks. “You have to make it attractive, give a financial advantage if you switch to that.” A system already exists for large consumers that rewards companies if they avoid rush hour at peak times.

‘Quite exciting’

There is still a long way to go before consumers can benefit. There is no technical standard yet for communication with smart heat pumps. This is being worked on, so that the grid operator can inform the devices that there is (impending) overload.

Given the problems with the power grid, haste is required. “I find it quite exciting,” says Agterberg. “You don’t hear me say: everything will turn out fine. There are still so many things to come together.”

Soorten warmtepompen

Waar een cv-ketel het huis warm stookt met gas, gebruikt een warmtepomp elektriciteit. Verwarming met een warmtepomp is een stuk efficiënter, omdat hij veel warmte uit de buitenlucht of uit de bodem haalt. Daardoor is minder energie nodig dan bij verwarming op gas.

De meeste warmtepompen verwarmen water tot een lagere temperatuur dan cv-ketels. Daardoor werkt hij het best met moderne radiatoren of vloerverwarming. Ook moet je huis goed geïsoleerd zijn.

Is dat (nog) niet het geval, dan biedt de hybride warmtepomp een oplossing. Die verwarmt je huis meestal elektrisch, maar een gasketel kan bijspringen als het erg koud is. Zo ben je niet van het gas af, maar bespaar je al wel veel aardgas.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: heat pumps due full power grid dont locked climate


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