Who is the largest digital transformer in the Netherlands?

Who is the largest digital transformer in the Netherlands?
Who is the largest digital transformer in the Netherlands?

Research into budgets for digital transformation

Last year, Computable concluded that the budget for digital transformations had increased slightly compared to 2022, with the most expensive transitions in government. Will more budget become available again this year? The title will be investigated again in 2024 together with research agency Enigma Research.

In addition to budgets, the research also addresses issues such as collaboration with partners, interesting practical examples and success and failure factors. Computable also declares itself the largest digital transformer. In October 2024, Computable will publish the results in a magazine dossier on digital transformations.


Digital transformation means the integration of digital technology into a company or organization, which fundamentally changes the way you work and/or deliver value to customers/target groups.

The Computable research is therefore not about the introduction of an isolated digital change or a standard software or infrastructure implementation. But about transforming old business/organization models using new technology.

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