if your spider becomes a bloodthirsty monster within a few hours


There are films that at first glance are not for everyone. Sting is one of those, because: a spider. A very large spider. Are the shivers justified?

Subway sat down to answer that question (horror heroes that we are…). Sting is with that Subway‘s Film Review of the Week.

About the fear of spiders: about 6 percent of Dutch women and more than 1 percent of men are so afraid of the eight-legged animals that we can call it a phobia (source: Exposure Therapy). We are talking about arachnophobia. It is not entirely known why the spider now stirs up such enormous fear. It’s also a bit strange, because this isn’t about snakes or lions, to name but a few. But anyway, the fear is there, for many.

Good news about the spin in Sting

We can reassure some of that it is so scary Sting not. This reviewer has Arachnophobia I’ve seen it from 1990, it was much scarier. That does not alter the fact that not every film/horror lover will simply enter the cinema from tomorrow.

Sting by director Kiah Roche Turner revolves around the child Charlotte, played by the rather talented Australian Alyla Browne. She lives with her mother and stepfather in an apartment complex in South Brooklyn, near Sydney. More people live there, especially unusual types. There is Charlotte’s grandmother, the demented Helga, who knits sweaters. A witch of a landlady. A rather heavy drinking Spanish woman. And an unworldly biologist. The last important resident: a spider, very small, friendly it seems, nothing wrong with that…

Charlotte and her spin in Sting. Photo: Dutch FilmWorks

Spin becomes an obsession

12-year-old Charlotte finds the spider, puts it in a jar and becomes obsessed with her sudden pet. Her fascination with the spider is growing, but so is this creature. It will double in size within a few hours, not to mention a few days later. Let’s just say: a bloodthirsty monster that eats everything he (or she) encounters, including people. And that moves through the ventilation system of the apartment complex.

NEXT These are the first exclusive images from the ‘It Ends With Us’ film