Android users want to avoid ‘Google Chrome’ update


With newly discovered malware, hackers can steal your data and even take over your Android smartphone. This is very cunningly hidden in a fake Chrome update.

Criminals have once again targeted Android users. They can take over your smartphone with the special malware Brokewell. It can also spy on you when you do your banking, allowing it to steal your login details.

The hackers make the malware look like a Chrome update, but it has nothing to do with it. In reality, you give criminals access to your Android device.

The Android malware that looks like Chrome update

The malware was discovered by the Dutch cybersecurity company Threat Fabric. According to them, this malware poses a significant threat to the banking sector and Android users. It gives hackers remote access to internet banking on the victim’s account.

Commands are added every day by the creators of this malware, which disguises itself as a Chrome update. The cybersecurity company therefore expects that the malware will be further developed. According to them, the software for this purpose is rented out on the dark web. The company therefore wants a multi-layered solution for fraud detection to be developed, so that malware such as this can simply be discovered by an app itself.

Chrome vs. the malware, (Image: Threat Fabric)

To trick you, the criminals have created a page that looks almost identical to a real Chrome for Android update screen. There are some minor changes. For example, small print is missing and slightly different texts are used.

If you install it, the malware works insidiously. This so-called trojan actually places a kind of transparent screen over the login screen via Chrome or your banking app. This allows it to intercept usernames and passwords, for example.

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