5 million Dutch email addresses found with criminals: check your address


Lists including 5 million Dutch email addresses were found by cyber criminals, who actively abused these addresses for phishing. Now check if you are among them.

Have you recently received fake emails that seemed to come from the Chamber of Commerce or DigiD? Then there is a chance that you are on this list of email addresses.

According to the NOS, people who left their details after such an email were called a day later by a fake bank employee with the message that they had been hacked. The victims were then asked to install a program on their computer, which was used to steal money through internet banking.

Check your email address

You can check whether your email address is on the list on the police website. If so, you will receive an email with tips on how to protect yourself against phishing.

The suspects in possession of the list of e-mail addresses have been arrested. However, such lists are often resold, so you may still be a target of phishing. That is why it is important to always stay alert.

Read more about cybercrime, or stay informed via the Bright Newsletter.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: million Dutch email addresses criminals check address


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