The five largest pension funds in the Netherlands are prepared to invest billions in the energy transition

The five largest pension funds in the Netherlands are prepared to invest billions in the energy transition
The five largest pension funds in the Netherlands are prepared to invest billions in the energy transition

Pension funds are major investors with a strong social commitment. Just like ABP, they would like to contribute to major social challenges. One of these challenges is the energy transition.

We all need electricity. It keeps us warm, gives us light and keeps society running. To make the energy transition a success, we must all contribute in the Netherlands.

Because without power the lights literally go out. Our business climate and the achievement of the climate goals are at risk. Housing construction will come to a standstill and we will remain dependent on fossil fuels from abroad. A resilient economy needs a reliable energy grid and transition to renewable energy sources. This requires enormous investments, knowledge and skills. The five largest pension funds are therefore joining forces to make a significant contribution to this urgent problem.

Joining forces with the government

We are prepared to join forces with those of the government and offer our joint (financing) strength and expertise to make an important contribution to the energy transition in the Netherlands. Through collaboration with government agencies, pension funds can play an important role in the energy transition, including the realization of, for example, heat and electricity networks.

More financing options and ambitious policies are needed

To really give energy to this transition, we ask the new cabinet for ambitious and reliable government policy, more public-private financing options and a fully-fledged national investment institution. By working more collaboratively with the government, we can achieve long-term stable returns and make an important contribution to the necessary energy transition in the Netherlands. In this way we contribute to a good business climate and we help our employers make their companies more sustainable and we offer our participants a good pension in a sustainable world now and in the future.

Energy transition as part of our new investment policy

Supporting the energy transition in the Netherlands is one of the spearheads in our new investment policy. In the new policy we want to invest €10 billion in Dutch impact investments. Part of this should contribute to the energy transition in the Netherlands. We also do what participants ask of us. 60% of our participants see contributing to the transition to sustainable energy as the theme on which ABP must make an impact.


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