The government also sees disadvantages of the proposed head house tax directive for SMEs

The government also sees disadvantages of the proposed head house tax directive for SMEs
The government also sees disadvantages of the proposed head house tax directive for SMEs

The biggest disadvantages of the proposed directive on head tax for SMEs are that Dutch policy choices in the tax area are partly rendered ineffective because the tax systems of other Member States must be accepted, and the major impact of the proposed directive on implementation. State Secretary Van Rij of Finance wrote this to the Senate. Some political groups have asked questions about the proposal previously made by the European Commission (UN 2023/43.11).

In general, the government sees advantages in facilitating cross-border entrepreneurship through a one-stop shop. However, a one-stop shop is only a means to facilitate the other rules of this proposed directive. In this case, the government is critical of the consequences and magnitude of the benefits outlined by the proposed directive. The government expects that the proposed directive will lead to distortions of competition and tax arbitrage opportunities. The government considers this undesirable.

[Nieuwsbron] [Nieuwsbron] [Nieuwsbron]


The article is in Dutch

Tags: government sees disadvantages proposed house tax directive SMEs


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