Minister is investigating lowering compulsory education age from 5 to 4 years

Minister is investigating lowering compulsory education age from 5 to 4 years
Minister is investigating lowering compulsory education age from 5 to 4 years

Paul wants to tackle the disadvantages in schools that often start early in the school career. Children with a non-Western background sometimes also have a language delay.

Not going to school

Compulsory education now applies to children from the age of 5. But most children go to school from the age of 4. Yet 3 percent of 4-year-olds do not yet go to school, with all the consequences that entails.

Because it is precisely this group that faces many disadvantages, says Minister Paul. “I really want children to start their school career without any disadvantages. What you see now is that some children go to primary school and then have language delays or other disadvantages.”

And so she wants children who really need it to get a chance. “We often talk about equality of opportunity. But equality of opportunity starts with giving children the opportunity to learn what they need and not starting their school years with a huge disadvantage. Because instead of them starting off well, , they are constantly carrying that around and have to do all kinds of things so that they can help out.”

To research

Paul wants to investigate how these backlogs can be prevented. “What I’m looking at is how we can tackle that. And I’m actually thinking of two ways. On the one hand, to reduce compulsory education to 4 years and on the other hand, to see that you can oblige children who really need it. to attend preschool education from the age of 2.5 because there is an opportunity to eliminate disadvantages.”

Paul does not fear major resistance from parents. “Many parents are happy to see that their children benefit from it and that it is also fun for children to go to school from the age of 4. And what matters is that you want to send the children who need it to the age of 4. school because it gives them the opportunity to learn things in time and to overcome their language deficit.”

Child central

“What is very important to me is that we put the interests of the child first and when it is really better for a child to go to school earlier because the child then gets the opportunity to learn things and not lag behind. to start that school year, then I think we should put that first.”

Paul has both options examined. She expects those studies to be ready by the end of this year. If there is enough support, drawing up a new law takes about two years on average. “It is important to do this carefully,” says Paul.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Minister investigating lowering compulsory education age years


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